I have a table output from Splunk Query(Not posting original values of table due to sensitive data)
Col_A Col_B Col_C Col_D
1 B A W
2 B A X
3 B A Y
4 B A Z
I want to apply a search in column Col_D and if any of the among above values from Col_D is not present in the column then add row in the table.
Example :
Col_A Col_B Col_C Col_D
2 B A X
3 B A Y
Expected Output :
Col_A Col_B Col_C Col_D
2 B A X
3 B A Y
- - - W not present
- - - Z not present
<your search>
| append [| makeresults
| eval Col_D=split("W,X,Y,Z",",")
| mvexpand Col_D]
| stats values(*) as * by Col_D
| where isnull(Col_A) AND isnull(Col_B) AND isnull(Col_C)
| eval Col_D=Col_D." not present"
I tried this but on using this Its not populating the records if it matches.
Example if W is present in the table, then data of W should come in result as it is.
| append
[| makeresults
| eval Missing_D=split("W,X,Y,Z",",")
| mvexpand Missing_D
| table Missing_D]
| eventstats values(Col_D) as Present_D
| eval Missing_D=if(isnull(mvfind(Present_D,Missing_D)),Missing_D,null())
| where isnotnull(Missing_D) OR isnotnull(Col_A) OR isnotnull(Col_B) OR isnotnull(Col_C) OR isnotnull(ColD)
| fields - Present_D