Splunk Search

Add individual logs by field to produce a count

Path Finder

I have several different timers in the logs which are in the format below:

INFO: [timerName=TimerName.RestTransaction
        timerMessage="Transaction Success" or "Transaction Failure"
    timerDuration= time in milliseconds

and one of the logs of the format

processedObject=processedObject[attribute1=ID, attribute2=VERSION, attribute3=TYPE1, attribute4=TYPE2, failure=null]

I want to add/subtract the different timerName events (with transaction success message) and the log message above by user and display a table with user and the count(percentage) associated.

I tried (Here I'm trying to get the percentage of the count by user in the end)

index="Exampleindex" (timerName=Timer1.RestTransaction) | stats count as Event1 by user
    | appendcols [ search index="Exampleindex" (timerName=Timer2.RestTransaction) | stats count as Event2 by user]
    | appendcols [ search index="Exampleindex" (timerName=Timer3.RestTransaction) | stats count as Event3 by user]
    | appendcols [ search index="Exampleindex" (timerName=Timer4.RestTransaction)  | stats count as Event4 by user]
    | appendcols [ search index="Exampleindex" ("processedObject=" AND "failureMetadata=null")| stats count as Event5 by user]
    | eval total1 = Event1 + Event2 - Event3 + Event4 - Event 5
    | eval total2 = Event1 + Event2 - Event3 + Event4
    | eval percentage = ((total1/total2) * 100)
    | fields count

I'm not entirely sure how to go about this, any help is appreciated!

0 Karma
1 Solution

Ultra Champion
index="Exampleindex" timerName=* OR ("processedObject=" AND "failure=null") 
| stats count(eval(timerName="Timer1.RestTransaction")) as Event1
, count(eval(timerName="Timer2.RestTransaction")) as Event2
, count(eval(timerName="Timer3.RestTransaction")) as Event3
, count(eval(timerName="Timer4.RestTransaction")) as Event4 
, count(eval(searchmatch("processedObject"))) as Event5 by user
| eval total2 = Event1 + Event2 - Event3 + Event4
| eval total1 = total2 - Event 5
| eval percentage = round((total1/total2) * 100,2)
| table user percentage

Hi, @thenormalone
stats can use eval.
how about this?

View solution in original post

Ultra Champion
index="Exampleindex" timerName=* OR ("processedObject=" AND "failure=null") 
| stats count(eval(timerName="Timer1.RestTransaction")) as Event1
, count(eval(timerName="Timer2.RestTransaction")) as Event2
, count(eval(timerName="Timer3.RestTransaction")) as Event3
, count(eval(timerName="Timer4.RestTransaction")) as Event4 
, count(eval(searchmatch("processedObject"))) as Event5 by user
| eval total2 = Event1 + Event2 - Event3 + Event4
| eval total1 = total2 - Event 5
| eval percentage = round((total1/total2) * 100,2)
| table user percentage

Hi, @thenormalone
stats can use eval.
how about this?

Path Finder

This works too but for Event5,

processedObject=processedObject[attribute1=ID, attribute2=VERSION, attribute3=TYPE1, attribute4=TYPE2, failure=null]

this is the log I'm trying to get a count of: So I specifically need failure=null in this log, that's why I'm trying ("processedObject=" AND "failure=null"). Reading up on searchmatch, I think it takes in a boolean argument. so I'm not sure how to go about fixing this.

0 Karma

Path Finder

I made the change to just do
count(eval(searchmatch("processedObject"))) as Sign by user

since my search already includes ("processedObject=" AND "failure=null") and this worked!

0 Karma

 | eval rest1=if(timerName=="Timer1.RestTransaction",1,0)
 | eval rest2=if(timerName=="Timer2.RestTransaction",1,0)
 | eval rest3=if(timerName=="Timer3.RestTransaction",1,0)
 | eval rest4=if(timerName=="Timer4.RestTransaction",1,0)
 | eval rest5=if(searchmatch("processedObject=* AND "failureMetadata=null"),1,0)
 | where isnotnull(rest1) OR isnotnull(rest2) OR isnotnull(rest3) OR isnotnull(rest4) OR isnotnull(rest5)
 | stats sum(rest1) as r1 sum(rest2) as r2 sum(rest3) as r3 sum(rest4) as r4 sum(rest5) as r5 count as total by user
 | eval pctR1=(r1/total)*100
 | eval pctR2=(r2/total)*100
 | eval pctR3=(r3/total)*100
 | eval pctR4=(r4/total)*100
 | eval pctR5=(r5/total)*100
0 Karma


You'll want to change the evals on the end of the search to have your adds and subtractions, but then you'll have to add/subtract their counts from the total count before getting a percentage too.... can be done but hard to type on my mobile!

0 Karma

Path Finder

my end goal is to have a table which has the user and his percentage

0 Karma

Path Finder

Thanks for taking the time to look at this. Appreciate it 🙂

Apologies for the amateur question but I'm getting a "The arguments to the 'searchmatch' function are invalid." with the following.

eval rest5=if(searchmatch('"processedObject=" AND "failureMetadata=null"'),1,0)

I've unsuccessfully tried to play with the different combinations

0 Karma

Ultra Champion
 | eval rest5=if(searchmatch("processedObject=") AND searchmatch("failureMetadata=null"),1,0)

try this.

0 Karma

Path Finder

unfortunately, I'm still getting the same error. FYI,

processedObject=processedObject[attribute1=ID, attribute2=VERSION, attribute3=TYPE1, attribute4=TYPE2, failure=null]

this is the log I'm trying to get a count of: I specifically need failure=null in this log, that's why I'm trying ("processedObject=" AND "failure=null"). Reading up on searchmatch, I think it takes in a boolean argument. so I'm not sure how to go about fixing this.

0 Karma
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