Hello: I am extremely new to Splunk and was given a task by my manager. He provided the query below and wanted to know the 95th percentile of the results.
sourcetype=W3SVC_Log s_computername="*PRD*" cs_uri_stem="*/LMS/*" time_taken>10000 | stats avg(time_taken) as AvgTimetakenMS count(cs_uri_stem) as Count by cs_uri_stem | sort -Count | head 20
Would this be the correct query to achieve his objective?:
sourcetype=W3SVC_Log s_computername="*PRD*" cs_uri_stem="*/LMS/*" time_taken>10000 | stats avg(time_taken) as AvgTimetakenMS count(cs_uri_stem) as Count by cs_uri_stem | stats perc95(time_taken) | sort -Count | head 20
Thank you!
There is a function for that. See here:
So I would think this (but it really depends on exactly what he meant):
sourcetype=W3SVC_Log s_computername="*PRD*" cs_uri_stem="*/LMS/*" time_taken>10000
| stats avg(time_taken) as AvgTimetakenMS perc95(time_taken) count(cs_uri_stem) as Count by cs_uri_stem
| sort -Count
| head 20
If you want to calculate the 95th percentile of the time taken for each URL where time_taken>10000 and then display a table with the URL, average time taken, count and 95th percentile you can use the following:
sourcetype=W3SVC_Log s_computername="PRD" cs_uri_stem="/LMS/" time_taken>10000
| eventstats perc95(time_taken) as Perc95 by cs_uri_stem
| stats avg(time_taken) as AvgTimetakenMS count(cs_uri_stem) as Count by cs_uri_stem,Perc95
| sort -Count | head 20
| eval AvgTimetakenMS = round(AvgTimetakenMS,0)
| table cs_uri_stem,AvgTimetakenMS,Count,Perc95
Again, if that's the intended result... you may need to clarify 95th percentile of what.
Thank you adigrio! He was looking for the 95th percentile of the time taken. Your query works great and the table is awesome.
There is a function for that. See here:
So I would think this (but it really depends on exactly what he meant):
sourcetype=W3SVC_Log s_computername="*PRD*" cs_uri_stem="*/LMS/*" time_taken>10000
| stats avg(time_taken) as AvgTimetakenMS perc95(time_taken) count(cs_uri_stem) as Count by cs_uri_stem
| sort -Count
| head 20
Thank you woodcock! This looks great. He was looking for the 95th percentile of the time taken.