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2 values for "User" field being shown.


Hi all!

I'm currently trying to create a RDP session analysis dashboard.  I'm using sysmon eventlogs, specifically Event-ID "3" to create a SPL query that shows traffic on port 3389 with a few filters. I only want to see usernames that are existing in the windows domain.


index=windows source=sysmon 
Image!="C:\Program Files\RANDOMAPP*" 
| rename User as SourceUser    
SourceUser!="NT-AUTHORITY\Network Service"  
| stats  count by SourceUser Image SourceHostname DestinationHostname SourceIp DestinationIp DestinationPort
| sort  - count


Since last week, the "Image" value has unexpectedly started appearing in the "User" field in all events.
Why is this happening and how can I prevent it from appearing in the "User" field?
  obfuscated png splunk.png

When I add the following query, no events are displayed. Could it be that the "User" field is getting mixed up with the "Image" field?


User!="Program Files*"


Also, if you check the events, you can see 2 events being displayed for “User”obfuscated png splunk2.png

Sorry for the bazilion questions, but I'm starting to get a bit frustrated here 😅

Thanks in advance for your help and have a great day!




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@maiks1When I saw another fields values show up in a given field, a sysadmin had changed the order of the logs. This can show up as a new order to the same number of fields, introduction of a new field in the log, removal of a field, which changes the order of later fields in the log, etc.. Sourcetype configuration wasn't updated, so it keeps parsing per its definition. Lesson: walk through the whole thing slowly, starting at the beginning. Once you identified what changed, then you can work on why it changed.


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