I want to use the reset password action in Splunk Soar, but it doesn't work and gives this error message.
handle_action exception occurred. Error string: ''LDAPInvalidDnError' object has no attribute 'description''
AdLdapConnector :Saving state: {
"app_version": "2.2.1"
{"identifier": "set_password", "result_data": [{"data": [{"user_dn": "cn=uba,ou=sec-user,dc=seclab,dc=lab", "samaccountname": "uba", "set": false}], "extra_data": [], "summary": {"set": false}, "status": "failed", "message": "unwillingToPerform: Make sure account in asset has permissions to Set\n Password and password meets complexity requirements", "parameter": {"use_samaccountname": true, "user": "uba", "password": "ubapass", "confirm_password": "ubapass"}, "context": {}}], "result_summary": {"total_objects": 1, "total_objects_successful": 0}, "status": "failed", "message": "1 action failed", "exception_occured": false, "action_cancelled": false}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/phantom/apps/adldap_*.py", line 32, in <module>
raise Exception("Action Failed")
Exception: Action Failed
I checked the known issues, fixed issues on both SOAR cloud and onprim, but no luck.
( One URL for your ref - https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/SOARonprem/6.2.0/ReleaseNotes/KnownIssues )
the error string says: Error string: ''LDAPInvalidDnError' object has no attribute 'description''
may we know, how you are trying the password reset, what attributes you are passing, pls suggest, thanks.