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ITSI query to generate a list of Services with their associated entities and alerts
02:14 PM
Hello Fellow Splunkers,
I'm fairly new to ITSI and was wondering if this could be achieved. I 'm looking to create a report which would allow me to list all Services I have in ITSI along with their associated entities as well as list associated alerts or severity. Is there a query that could achieve this? any pointers are very much appreciated! Also any pointers where I could potentially find the data and bring it together in a search would be very helpful too.
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12:24 AM
maybe |getservice can also help 😉
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Path Finder
04:06 PM
This search should give you a start on what you need
| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/service report_as=text filter="{\"enabled\":1}"
| eval services_as_json=spath(value,"{}")
| fields services_as_json
| mvexpand services_as_json
| eval kpis_as_json=spath(services_as_json, "kpis{}")
| fields - services_as_json
| mvexpand kpis_as_json
| spath input=kpis_as_json
| fields - kpis_as_json
| rename key as kpiid
| search service_title!="ServiceHealthScore"
| eval search = if(isnotnull(base_search_id),"",base_search)
| search "aggregate_thresholds.thresholdLevels{}.severityLabel"!="" "aggregate_thresholds.thresholdLevels{}.thresholdValue"!=""
| rename service_title as Service "aggregate_thresholds.baseSeverityLabel" as "Base Threshold" "aggregate_thresholds.thresholdLevels{}.severityLabel" as "Thresholds" "aggregate_thresholds.thresholdLevels{}.thresholdValue" as "Threshold Values" title as KPI description as Description unit as Unit urgency as "Importance Score"
| table Service KPI Description "Base Threshold" Thresholds "Threshold Values" "Importance Score"
| join type=outer Service
[| inputlookup itsi_entities
| fields services._key title
| rename services._key as services title as host
| mvexpand services
| lookup service_kpi_lookup _key as services
| stats list(host) as host by title
| eval host=mvjoin(host, ",")
| rename title as Service]