Since upgrading to ITSI 4.9, the app reverted to the free version "ITEssential Work" (ITE-W) and most premium features are gone. This is because the ITSI license is now mandatory, or that the license-master was not properly upgraded.
After the migration UI, the ITSI UI upgrades to 4.9, but most of the views are now disabled and flagged as "Premium feature", and the app is renamed "ITEsssential-Work" (ITE-W)
The reason is usually that: Since ITSI 4.9, if no ITSI license is detected, the product switch to the "free version" ITE-W.
Check if the 2 ITSI apps were properly upgraded on the license master.
see Install Docs
Hello @yannK ,
This is useful information. I faced a similar situation while deploying ITSI on a single instance without applying the ITSI license.
However, after this change, the licensing home page is not accessible. It shows page not found.
I did manage to upload the license via CLI and restarted Splunk. The messages said ITSI license detected, upgrading to ITSI.
However the license page is still not accessible. Any pointers on this? Did you face something similar?
Strange, verify that :
- you are member of the admin role
- check that you are on the license-master (if your SH is not the license-master)
After the migration UI, the ITSI UI upgrades to 4.9, but most of the views are now disabled and flagged as "Premium feature", and the app is renamed "ITEsssential-Work" (ITE-W)
The reason is usually that: Since ITSI 4.9, if no ITSI license is detected, the product switch to the "free version" ITE-W.
Check if the 2 ITSI apps were properly upgraded on the license master.
see Install Docs