I need to create a KPI in service. This KPI is the percent between error and session. Error is count from index a, session is from index b, I need to join an create field as percent;
index=a | eval time_hour = strftime(_time, "%D-%H")|stats count as error| join time_hour [search index=b eventType="use" | eval time_hour = strftime(_time, "%D-%H") | stats count AS sessions ]|eval percent=error/session *100
It does not show the data in ITSI service. What should I change
Does it work when you run it manually?
ITSI runs the KPI search as the role "splunk-system-user", check if that role has the permission to search the indexes A and B.
I have the admin access. If I run manually in search head, It works. When i bring to service to create KPI, It doesn't data. I dont know whether there is any rules or comment that cannot use in service KPI