We have defined more than 20 correlation searches but the correlation_searches_lister (Configure > Correlation Searches) shows only the first 20. There is no possibility to navigate to the next 20 searches.
When I use the filter it only applies to the 20 that are shown. It is possible to sort title descending to see the last 20 but the searches between the first 20 and the last 20 are not accessible. What is going wrong ?
Problem solved !
One of the correlation search definitions appeard to be corrupt. The savedsearch was correct. We could not delete the correlation search directly but by deleting the savedsearch the correlation search also was deleted. After that the pagination control was back on the screen.
Problem solved !
One of the correlation search definitions appeard to be corrupt. The savedsearch was correct. We could not delete the correlation search directly but by deleting the savedsearch the correlation search also was deleted. After that the pagination control was back on the screen.
I Just tested and I get a pagination control in the top right under "create new search" after I exceed 20 items
splunk v7.2.0
ITSI v4.0.2
Hi @ewan000,
I have tested it in the browers Firefox, IE and Chrome and in all cases I miss the pagination control.
splunk v7.1.2
ITSI v4.0.3
74 correlation searches
In the beginning when we started with creating the searches we had pagination control when we exceeded the 20 searches. Later on it disappeared. There where no new versions installed since the moment it went wrong.