To see which alerts are new Im trying to generate the following table:
KPI | Service | alert_level | alert_level_previous | entity_title
Where alert_level_previous is the last alert_level for each (KPI, service, entity_title) combination
So if in the past a KPI was normal and now it is critical the alert_level should be critical and the alert_level_previous should be normal
I noticed there are duplicate entries (ALL fields are the same even the timestamp) in itsi_summary
My current non working query:
| search alert_level >= 4 AND NOT is_entity_in_maintenance=1 AND NOT is_service_in_maintenance=1
| streamstats window=2 latest(alert_level) as alert_level_previous by kpi, host, itsi_service_id, entity_title
| streamstats window=2 latest(alert_value) as alert_value_previous by kpi, host, itsi_service_id, entity_title
| join type=inner itsi_service_id
[| search (index=itsi_summary source=service_mapping earliest=-2h latest=now)
| dedup itsi_service_id
| table itsi_service_id itsi_service ]
| eval alert_new = if(alert_level != alert_level_previous, "yes", "no")
| table kpi, itsi_service, alert_level, alert_level_previous, host,alert_new, alert_value, alert_value_previous _time, entity_title
If anyone can help me in the right direction it would be very nice
I ended up with the following query:
| fields kpi, alert_level, alert_value, entity_title, _time, host, message, alert_severity, itsi_service_id, itsi_kpi_id
| dedup _time, itsi_service_id, itsi_kpi_id, entity_title
| reverse
| streamstats window=1 current=false global=false
latest(alert_level) as alert_level_previous,
latest(alert_value) as alert_value_previous,
latest(_time) as called_last_time
latest(alert_severity) as alert_severity_previous
by kpi, itsi_service_id, entity_title
| reverse
| join type=inner itsi_service_id
[| search (index=itsi_summary source=service_mapping )
| fields itsi_service_id, itsi_service
| dedup itsi_service_id
| table itsi_service_id itsi_service ]
| where _time > time() -120 AND alert_level > 4
| eval calculated_last_time = strftime(called_last_time, "%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval alert_new = if(alert_level!=alert_level_previous AND alert_level > 4, "1", "0")
| eval up = alert_level - alert_level_previous
| stats count by alert_severity, alert_severity_previous, itsi_service, kpi, entity_title, alert_new, alert_value, alert_value_previous, _time,calculated_last_time, host, alert_level, up
| dedup kpi, itsi_service, entity_title
| table alert_severity, alert_severity_previous, itsi_service, kpi, entity_title, alert_new, alert_value, alert_value_previous, _time,calculated_last_time, host, alert_level, up
| sort -alert_new, - alert_level
| eval alert_email = replace(alert_email, ",", ", ")