Splunk ITSI

How itsi_notable_event_external_ticket lookup is being updated?


We have enabled Bidirectional correlation search for Service now in our ITSI, unfortunately  itsi_notable_event_external_ticket  lookup is not updating proper values. I couldn't find the saved search which is used to update the lookup to troubleshoot further.
Can some one tell me how itsi_notable_event_external_ticket lookup is being updated ?

0 Karma

Path Finder

The lookup itsi_notable_event_external_ticket is updated when ITSI creates the external ticket.
If you search the audit records

`itsi_notable_audit_index` sourcetype=itsi_notable:audit

you will should, if the NEAP is creating the ticket, see events with fields like

   activityAction="snow_incident" executed.
   activity_typeAction Executed for Episode.

One of the fields is the search_command. Towards the end of the string you should see something like

sendalert "itsi_event_action_snow_wrapper" (I am using ServiceNow)

It is this alert wrapper that raises the ticket with SNOW, and updates the kvstore lookup with the returned values.

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