Splunk ITSI

Export services from ITSI to CSV

New Member

Hello SPLUNK Community!

There  are clear instructions on how to import services from a  CSV file in ITSI.  However I can't find a way to export the same data into a CSV file.  

How can I export services dependencies from ITSI?


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0 Karma

Path Finder

A search like this will also give you an output that would allow you to dump a csv or practically clone a service tree.

  • Replace <service_title> with the services you want to clone
  • Replace <info_field> with any service info fields you need to use
  • Replace <old> and <new> at the end to make new service names
  • Use the "Create Service" Import from Search option with this search to make a clone of your service tree.
| getservice 
| search title IN ("<service_title>*","<service_title>*") 
| fillnull value="none" services_depends_on base_service_template_id 
| fields title services_depends_on base_service_template_id 
| rex field=services_depends_on "serviceid=(?<serviceid>.*)~~~" 
| fillnull value="none" serviceid 
| mvexpand serviceid 
| join type=outer serviceid 
    [| `service_kpi_list` 
    | fields serviceid service_name] 
| stats list(service_name) as dependent_services by title base_service_template_id 
| eval dependent_services=mvjoin(dependent_services, ",") 
| rename title as service_name base_service_template_id as template_id 
| join type=outer template_id 
    [| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/base_service_template report_as=text 
    | eval value=spath(value,"{}") 
    | mvexpand value 
    | eval info_fields=spath(value,"informational.fields{}"),
        template_id=spath(value, "_key"),
        template_name=spath(value, "title") 
    | fields template_id template_name] 
| join type=outer service_name 
    [| inputlookup itsi_entities 
    | fields services._key title 
    | rename services._key as services title as host 
    | mvexpand services 
    | lookup service_kpi_lookup _key as services 
    | stats list(host) as host by title 
    | eval host=mvjoin(host, ",") 
    | rename title as service_name] 
| makemv delim="," host 
| mvexpand host 
| join type=outer host 
    [| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/nobody/SA-ITOA/itoa_interface/entity report_as=text 
    | eval value=spath(value,"{}") 
    | mvexpand value 
    | eval info_fields=spath(value,"informational.fields{}"),
        entity_id=spath(value, "_key"),
        entity_title=spath(value, "title"),
        entity_name=spath(value, "identifying_name") 
    | appendpipe 
        [| where isnull(field_type) 
        | mvexpand info_fields 
        | eval field_value = spath(value,info_fields."{}"), field_type="info" 
        | rename info_fields as field_name
    | where field_name IN ("<info_field>","<info_field>","<info_field>","<info_field>") 
    | stats list(field_value) as field_value by field_name entity_name 
    | eval field_value=mvjoin(field_value,",") 
    | eval {field_name}=field_value 
    | stats latest(<info_field>) as <info_field> latest(<info_field>) as <info_field> latest(<info_field>) as <info_field> by entity_name 
    | rename entity_name as host] 
| fields - template_id
| eval service_name=replace(service_name,"<old>","<new>"),dependent_services=replace(dependent_services,"<old>","<new>")
0 Karma


Hi, take a look at the command | getservice , with this command you'll be able to create a table with all the data you need and export it as csv.

0 Karma
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