Splunk Enterprise

splunk sd for python

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I'm trying to create dynamic apps using a python script below:


import os
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

def get_config():
    config = {
        'base_url': 'https://localhost:8089',
        'csv_filename': "test9.csv",
        'template_name': 'template_placeholder',
        'username' : 'chakrad8',
        'password'  : 'random_password'
    config['app_name'] = os.path.splitext(config['csv_filename'])[0]
    return config
config = get_config()
def make_request(method,url,data=None):
        response = requests.request(method,f"{config['base_url']}{url}",auth=HTTPBasicAuth(config['username'],config['password']),data=data,verify=False)
        return response
    except RequestException as e:
        print(f"An error occurred while making the request: {e}")
        return None
response = make_request("GET",f"/services/apps/local/{config['app_name']}")
if response.status_code == 200:
    print(f"App '{config['app_name']}' already exists.")
    response = make_request('POST',"/services/apps/local/",{'name':config['app_name'],'template':config['template_name']})
    if response and response.status_code == 201:
        print(f"App '{config['app_name']}' created successfully.")
        print(f"Error Creating app: {response.text}")


I've created a custom template app called 'template_placeholder'  and i want to use it as a template when creating the new app so i was calling 

response = make_request('POST',"/services/apps/local/",{'name':config['app_name'],'template':config['template_name']})
This is creating the app but the label is remaining same as the custom template app that is 'template_placeholder'.

is there any workaround to this or is my request malformed in some way? , please help with this.
0 Karma
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