Splunk Enterprise

mstats join taking too long with joins - how can i make it faster?



I have the following complex statement with multiple mstats.

The issue is I think I have to do joins to get the data to work for me correctly, however, this is expencive for time. It takes 5 seconds to get back 1 hour. I want to get back 10 hours. 

Is there any other way I can pull multiple data and bring them together without using a join?



| mstats min("mx.process.cpu.utilization") as cpuPerc min("mx.process.threads") as nbOfThreads min("mx.process.memory.usage") as memoryCons min("mx.process.file_descriptors") as nbOfOpenFiles min("mx.process.up.time") as upTime avg("mx.process.creation.time") as creationTime WHERE "index"="metrics_test" AND mx.env=http://mx20267vm:15000 span=30s BY pid cmd service.type host.name service.name replica.name component.name threshold 
| rename "service.name" as service_name 
| rename "replica.name" as replica_name 
| rename "service.type" as service_type 
| eval T_NbOfThreads=if(isnull(nbOfThreads),"",threshold) 
| eval T_MemoryCons=if(isnull(memoryCons),"",threshold) 
| eval T_NbOfOpenFiles=if(isnull(nbOfOpenFiles),"",threshold) 
| stats values(cpuPerc) as cpuPerc values(nbOfThreads) as nbOfThreads values(memoryCons) as memoryCons values(nbOfOpenFiles) as nbOfOpenFiles values(upTime) as upTime values(creationTime) as creationTime values(T_NbOfOpenFiles) as T_NbOfOpenFiles values(T_MemoryCons) as T_MemoryCons values(T_CpuPerc) as T_CpuPerc values(T_NbOfThreads) as T_NbOfThreads by _time pid cmd service_type host.name service_name replica_name component.name 
| eval Process_Name=((service_name . " # ") . replica_name) 
| sort 0 - _time 
| dedup _time pid 
| join type=left Process_Name _time 
    [| mstats min("mx.replica.status") as Replica WHERE "index"="metrics_test" AND mx.env=http://mx20267vm:15000 span=30s BY "service.name" replica.name service.type 
    | rename "service.name" as service_name 
    | rename "replica.name" as replica_name 
    | eval Process_Name=((service_name . " # ") . replica_name) 
    | table Process_Name, Replica, "service.type", _time 
    | sort 0 - _time 
    | dedup _time Process_Name] 
| sort Process_Name _time 
| table _time, Process_Name, Replica 
| streamstats last(Replica) as Replica 
| sort - _time 
| append maxout=200000 
    [| mstats min("mx.replica.status") as Replica WHERE "index"="metrics_test" AND mx.env=http://mx20267vm:15000 span=30s BY "service.name" replica.name service.type 
    | rename "service.name" as service_name 
    | rename "replica.name" as replica_name 
    | rename "service.type" as service_type 
    | eval Process_Name=((service_name . " # ") . replica_name) 
    | table Process_Name, Replica, service_type, _time 
    | sort 0 - _time 
    | dedup _time Process_Name 
    | join type=left Process_Name,_time 
        [| mstats min("mx.process.cpu.utilization") as cpuPerc min("mx.process.threads") as nbOfThreads min("mx.process.memory.usage") as memoryCons min("mx.process.file_descriptors") as nbOfOpenFiles min("mx.process.up.time") as upTime avg("mx.process.creation.time") as creationTime WHERE "index"="metrics_test" AND mx.env=http://mx20267vm:15000 span=30s BY pid cmd service.type host.name service.name replica.name component.name threshold 
        | rename "service.name" as service_name 
        | rename "replica.name" as replica_name 
        | rename "service.type" as service_type 
        | eval T_NbOfThreads=if(isnull(nbOfThreads),"",threshold) 
        | eval T_MemoryCons=if(isnull(memoryCons),"",threshold) 
        | eval T_NbOfOpenFiles=if(isnull(nbOfOpenFiles),"",threshold) 
        | stats values(cpuPerc) as cpuPerc values(nbOfThreads) as nbOfThreads values(memoryCons) as memoryCons values(nbOfOpenFiles) as nbOfOpenFiles values(upTime) as upTime values(creationTime) as creationTime values(T_NbOfOpenFiles) as T_NbOfOpenFiles values(T_MemoryCons) as T_MemoryCons values(T_CpuPerc) as T_CpuPerc values(T_NbOfThreads) as T_NbOfThreads by _time pid cmd service_type host.name service_name replica_name component.name 
        | eval Process_Name=((service_name . " # ") . replica_name) 
        | sort 0 - _time 
        | dedup _time pid] 
    | rex field=Process_Name "(?<service_name2>.*) # (?<replica_name2>.*)" 
    | eval service_name=if(isnull(service_name),service_name2,service_name) 
    | eval replica_name=if(isnull(replica_name),replica_name2,replica_name)] 
| sort 0 - _time 
| dedup _time pid 
| join type=left 
    [| mstats min("mx.process.resources.status") as Resources WHERE "index"="metrics_test" AND mx.env=http://mx20267vm:15000 span=30s BY "service.name" replica.name 
    | rename "service.name" as service_name 
    | rename "replica.name" as replica_name 
    | eval Process_Name=((service_name . " # ") . replica_name) 
    | sort 0 - _time 
    | dedup _time Process_Name 
    | table Process_Name, Status, Resources 
    | eval Resources=rtrim(Resources,substr(Resources,-7)) 
    | eval Resources=if((Resources == ""),0,Resources)] 
| eval Status=(Resources * Replica) 
| eval Status=if((Status == 4),2,if((Status == 0),0,1)) 
| eval Replica=case((Process_Name == "xmlserver # xmlserver"),"2",(Process_Name == "zookeeper # zookeeper"),"2",(Process_Name == "fileserver # fileserver"),"2",true(),Replica) 
| search Process_Name!="*ANT_TASK*" 
| eval Replica=if((Replica == 1),0,Replica) 
| timechart min(Replica) as Process_Status






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