I have a list contain all team members name and windows workstation logon event is collected in Splunk. Could anyone give me an idea about how can I alert if any user logon that workstation is not belong to the team?
Nice use case, you can achieve this by defining a CSV lookup.
The CSV file will have 2 columns, the first one is member name and the second one is Membership status, something like that:
user, membership_status
Your events should include the user filed (first coulmn header).
Define the lookup in in transforms.conf
filename = team_members.csv
default_match = No
CSV file location:
You search query can be like this:
sourcetype=winlogs | lookup Team_Members_lookup user OUTPUT membership_status | search dest_machine=Serv123 membership_status=No
This lookup enriches the logs with a new field membership_status, its value will be "Yes" if the user is on the csv file otherwise it will be "No"
You can add the lookup to props.conf to be applied automatically on a certain sourcetype, and in this case you don't need to put "lookup Team_Members_lookup user OUTPUT membership_status" in your query, but it may have some performance impact as the lookup is applied in all searches.
Have the list of members in a lookup and then form a query like this -
Lookup -
Query -
sourcetype="WinEventLog:Security" eventtype="msad-successful-user-logons" | stats count by user | lookup teammembers_lookup.csv user OUTPUT status | fillnull value="-" status | search status!="active"
Nice use case, you can achieve this by defining a CSV lookup.
The CSV file will have 2 columns, the first one is member name and the second one is Membership status, something like that:
user, membership_status
Your events should include the user filed (first coulmn header).
Define the lookup in in transforms.conf
filename = team_members.csv
default_match = No
CSV file location:
You search query can be like this:
sourcetype=winlogs | lookup Team_Members_lookup user OUTPUT membership_status | search dest_machine=Serv123 membership_status=No
This lookup enriches the logs with a new field membership_status, its value will be "Yes" if the user is on the csv file otherwise it will be "No"
You can add the lookup to props.conf to be applied automatically on a certain sourcetype, and in this case you don't need to put "lookup Team_Members_lookup user OUTPUT membership_status" in your query, but it may have some performance impact as the lookup is applied in all searches.
Thank you for your answer, but when I do
sourcetype=winlogs | lookup Team_Members_lookup user OUTPUT membership_status
it doesnt return me anything. and I found the lookup does add the value to the event, do you know why is that?
The first column name in CSV file should have the field name that contains the username.
please provide the following details about your logs:
Filed name that contains the user name
Column names of CSV file
Field name that contains machine name