Hi i am new to splunk dashboard
I have events like this from here, how i ll get cpu and memory usage?
can any one help on this??
<182>2020-09-18T08:01:18.787Z vmkernel: cpu56:6319637)Sched: vm 6319638: 6193: Adding world 'vmm0:bcollab-sie-lx', group 'host/user', cpu: shares=-1 min=-1 minLimit=-1 max=-1, mem: shares=-1 min=-1 minLimit=-1 max=-1
<182>2020-09-18T08:07:19.325Z vmkernel: cpu48:6320125)Sched: vm 6320126: 6193: Adding world 'vmm0:burp-collab-sie', group 'host/user', cpu: shares=-1 min=-1 minLimit=-1 max=-1, mem: shares=-1 min=-1 minLimit=-1 max=-1
<182>2020-09-18T07:26:07.290Z vmkernel: cpu34:6317318)Sched: vm 6317319: 6193: Adding world 'vmm0:burpcollab-sie', group 'host/user', cpu: shares=-1 min=-1 minLimit=-1 max=-1, mem: shares=-1 min=-1 minLimit=-1 max=-1
| rex "cpu\d+:(?<cpu>[^\)])\)Sched:\svm\s(?<vm>[^:]+)"
This assumes the cpu value you want is between the ":" and the ")" and the vm value you want is between the "vm " and the ":"
sorry,this one is notgiving any result.
Which part of the message do you want? Can you copy it into a code section so it isn't formatted?