For KVstore, $Splunk_HOME/etc/system/local/sever.conf was configured to use SSL.
However, the following error is occurring and the kvstore process is not starting properly.
Regarding the Web UI, we recognise that there is no problem with the certificate itself, as TLS communication is possible using the same server signature.
ERROR MongodRunner [5072 MongodLogThread] - mongod exited abnormally (exit code 1, status: exited with code 1) - look at mongod.log to investigate.
CONTROL [main] Failed global initialisation: InvalidSSLConfiguration: Could not find private key attached to the Failed global initialisation: InvalidSSLConfiguration: Could not find private key attached to the selected certificate.
Please provide information on how to resolve the above issue.
Hi @restinlinux ,
Hi @restinlinux ,