I've got a kvStore lookup, AD_Obj_user, defined with fields objectSid, OU, sAMAccountName, and others. It has case-insensitive matching.
I've got events that contain the field Sid. I want to lookup the sAMAccountName and automate the lookup, but right now not even the manual lookup works.
This works:
| inputlookup AD_Obj_User where objectSid=S-1-2-34-56789012-345678901-234567890-123456
| table objectSid sAMAccountName OU
but this does not work:
index=windows_client source="WinEventLog:PowerShell" Sid=S-1-2-34-56789012-345678901-234567890-123456
| lookup AD_Obj_User objectSid AS Sid
| table OU Sid
I can do the lookup successfully, manually, by using this:
index=windows_client source="WinEventLog:PowerShell" Sid=S-1-2-34-56789012-345678901-234567890-123456
| eval objectSid=Sid
| join type=left objectSid [| inputlookup AD_Obj_User
| table objectSid sAMAccountName OU]
| eval User=sAMAccountName
| fields - sAMAccountName
but it won't get me towards automating the lookup.
Any ideas? I'm stumped.
Nope, no luck.
If it helps, doing the lookup DOES do something, because this
index=windows_client source="WinEventLog:PowerShell" Sid=S-1-2-34-56789012-345678901-234567890-123456
| eval objectSid="this has content"
| lookup AD_Obj_User objectSid AS Sid OUTPUT objectSid
| table OU Sid objectSid
returns a table that has the Sid column populated, but the other two columns blank (i.e., the lookup overwrites the "this has content" stuff in objectSid).
Try like this:
index=windows_client source="WinEventLog:PowerShell" Sid=S-1-2-34-56789012-345678901-234567890-123456
| lookup AD_Obj_User objectSid AS Sid OUTPUT objectSid as Sid
| table OU Sid
++If it helps, please consider accepting as answer++