Hello to everyone,
my issue is that when I use sendemail in a scheduled search to send results via email in csv format, columns in the csv are not in the same order I tabled them in the search. For example:
| table field1 field2 field3
| outputcsv TestInvioMail_searchOutput.csv
| stats values(recipient) AS emailToHeader | mvexpand emailToHeader
| map search="|inputcsv TestInvioMail_searchOutput.csv | where recipient=$emailToHeader$
| sendemail
sendresults=true sendcsv=true
subject=\"Some object\"
message=\"Some message\""
| append [|inputcsv TestInvioMail_searchOutput.csv]
I need to use also map command because I have to send different results to different recipients, since inserting recipient token in the Splunk's mail alert panel doesn't work. Sendemail works fine, every recipient receives the correct results, but they receive a csv in which fields are in a different order respect to the one specified in table command (for example in the csv column order is field2 field3 field1).
I also tried to add width_sort_columns=<bool> parameter in sendemail command (after sendcsv=true) but without success.
Do you have any suggestion?
Thanks in advance.
Did yoy manage to get a solution?
thank you.
how about add additional table f1 f2 f3 after |inputlookup command?
| append
[| inputcsv TestInvioMail_searchOutput.csv
| table field1 field2 field3]
r. Ismo
I'm using it a bit differntly
| table field1 field2 field3
| sendresults..
sometimes the fileds are in the correct order, sometimes randomly mixed.
sorry but it's not working or not getting it.
my search is simple
index=x | table field1 field2 field3 |sendresults
and columns are mixing
You should use </> block when you are including code, samples etc. to ensure that your question is correctly formatted!
| table field1 field2 field3
| outputcsv TestInvioMail_searchOutput.csv
| stats values(recipient) AS emailToHeader
| mvexpand emailToHeader
| map search="|inputcsv TestInvioMail_searchOutput.csv | where recipient=$emailToHeader$
| sendemail
sendresults=true sendcsv=true
subject=\"Some object\"
message=\"Some message\""
| append
[| inputcsv TestInvioMail_searchOutput.csv]
I suppose that above was what you have written?
There is couple of questions.
If you want that ensure that columns are in correct order please try to change
| map search="|inputcsv TestInvioMail_searchOutput.csv | where recipient=$emailToHeader$
| table <fields as you want>
| sendemail
sendresults=true sendcsv=true
subject=\"Some object\"
message=\"Some message\""