I need some help on how to use Splunk SDK for Javascript to render charts directly from search result(JSON) without using Splunk SearchManager in Angular 2+ application.
I am exploring the possibility to just use the UI Chart/Timeline modules directly to render the results (JSON format) with the SplunkJS package. I have tried couple of ways to import JS files in the Angular 2+ project, but could not invoke the UI functions.
Here is the sample component I created and hopeful I can import splunk SDK JS into this component, but unsuccessful.
import * as splunkjs from '../../../assests/client/splunk.js';
import * as splunkui from '../../../assests/client/splunk.ui.js';
import * as timeline from '../../../assests/client/splunk.ui.timeline.js';
then inside component I have a function defined as
drawline() {
const service: any = new splunkjs.Service();
Can someone give me some guidance about how to call splunkjs lib methods here?
I have an angular 16 application also facing same issue.
This question was asked 2 years back, I am also having same problem and just wanted to check if anyone has any luck in importing the sdk in Angular.
I found its very hard as there is hardly any documentation available .
@kennyyang , Did you manage to get this working ?