We have created an application using splunk add on builder(https://apps.splunk.com/app/2962/).
Created a python script for the alert action. while validating the application created(add-on) we are getting two errors rest of the test cases are passed.
Sharing the errors below-
First Error: {"validation_id": "v_1703053121_88", "ta_name": "TA-testaddon", "rule_name": "Validate app certification", "category": "app_cert_validation", "ext_data": {"is_visible": true}, "message_id": "7004", "description": "Check that no files have *nix write permissions for all users (xx2, xx6, xx7). Splunk recommends 644 for all app files outside of the bin/ directory, 644 for scripts within the bin/ directory that are invoked using an interpreter (e.g. python my_script.py or sh my_script.sh), and 755 for scripts within the bin/ directory that are invoked directly (e.g. ./my_script.sh or ./my_script). Since appinspect 1.6.1, check that no files have nt write permissions for all users..", "sub_category": "Source code and binaries standards", "solution": "There are multiple errors for this check. Please check \"messages\" for details.", "messages": "[{\"result\": \"warning\", \"message\": \"Suppressed 813 failure messages\", \"message_filename\": null, \"message_line\": null}, {\"result\": \"failure\", \"message\": \"A posix world-writable file was found. File: bin/ta_testaddon/aob_py3/splunktalib/splunk_cluster.py\", \"message_filename\": null, \"message_line\": null}]", "severity": "Fatal", "status": "Fail", "validation_time": 1703053540}
Second Error: {"validation_id": "v_1703053679_83", "ta_name": "TA-testaddon", "rule_name": "Validate app certification", "category": "app_cert_validation", "ext_data": {"is_visible": true}, "message_id": "7002", "description": "Check that the dashboards in your app have a valid version attribute.", "sub_category": "jQuery vulnerabilities", "solution": "Change the version attribute in the root node of your Simple XML dashboard default/data/ui/views/home.xml to `<version=1.1>`. Earlier dashboard versions introduce security vulnerabilities into your apps and are not permitted in Splunk Cloud File: default/data/ui/views/home.xml", "severity": "Fatal", "status": "Fail", "validation_time": 1703053994}
Kindly help in resolving this
based on those warnings
r. Ismo