Please help me fix this SPL to produce the license usage listed above. Thx a million
This is not working for me:
| stats sum(GB) as A by Date, idx
| eventstats max(A) as B by idx
| where A=B
| dedup A idx
| sort idx
| table Date,A idx
Not so sure, but I guess this query returns only indexes that had used any license on the time range your are searching. If the index didn't receive any data on this time range It won't be returned by the license usage log.
Hi @SamHTexas, I am not sure if this is what you are looking for, but take a look at the following query:
index="_internal" source="/opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/license_usage.log" type="Usage"
| eval GB=b/1024/1024/1024
| bin _time span=1d
| stats sum(GB) as A by _time, idx
| eventstats max(A) as B by idx
| where A=B
| dedup A idx
| sort idx
| table _time,A idx
I used your base stats, but changed some of the fields on the main query.
This is super. But not sure why it does not show all my indexes? Any ideas?
Not so sure, but I guess this query returns only indexes that had used any license on the time range your are searching. If the index didn't receive any data on this time range It won't be returned by the license usage log.