I'm trying to congfigure a forwarder and the receiver doesn't get any data. Please help.
Forwarder's outputs.conf:
defaultGroup = default-autolb-group
server = vm1.sandbox:9997
That was configured using splunk add forward-server command.
Below is the Receivers inputs.conf (configured via Splunk Web>Manager>Forwarding and receiving menu)
connection_host = ip
Totally a newbie and trying to understand how these components work.
not sure what happened but I started seeing the logs after rebooting the server. here's the output of spunk list monitor command
Monitored Directories:
Monitored Files:
Here is a great article on the Splunk wiki: Troubleshooting Monitor Inputs
i suggest that you skip the first part of the page on setting DEBUG mode, as the other suggestions on the page are generally both easier and more useful.
And as a very first step, I would log onto the forwarder and give the following command
splunk list monitor
which will tell you which files Splunk is reading. A quick peek at splunkd.log may be helpful, too; you can even search it with the following command:
index=_internal source=*splunkd.log
thank you for your help!
The following is what's on my inputs.conf in the forwarder:
And yes, splunk user has permissions on those directories.
What is in your inputs.conf file on the forwarder?
Did you configure inputs on the forwarder?