Hello Everyone on Splunk Forum
I have problem with sending DC to Splunk Setup.
This DC machine first should send logs to IFs tier and after this place events in indexer.
I have checked internal logs for this particular machine with "ERROR" log_level.
Interesting thing which has found by me is problem with 'TcpOutputFd'
There are folling messages
Connection to host= failed. sock_error = 10054. SSL Error = No error
Connection to host= failed. sock_error = 10054. SSL Error = No error
Connection to host= failed
I am not very familiar with managing distributed Splunk setup - I am still learning new things.
Could you please tell me how i can resolve this problem.
you need to check couple of things
1) Is there any firewall between DC & intermediate forwarder?
you can check this from DC doing telnet forwarderip:9997
2) IS ssl enabled for this transfer? If so certs should match
you can check this in "inputs.conf" on intermediate forwarder
1) DC don't have any problems with cionnections to IFs on 9997 dest port.
2) What should be checked ?
Do I need compare ssl cert on IF with cert in splunk agent on DC machine ?
If yes I am not sure what is location of cert on DC machine
On IF side I can see that it's in /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/name_of_app/auth/cacert.pem