My Splunk query: index=aaa sourcetype="bbb" | bucket _time span=1d|stats count by data_date,Name,RecordCount limit=0| lookup abc.csv Names as Name|eventstats sum(RecordCount) as Total by Name, _time|eval p=round((Total/Threshold)*100,2)|chart values(p) over Name BY data_date limit=0
data_date and _time represent same day(value) in yyyy-mm-dd format. abc.csv has list of all Names and associated threshold values stored.
When I select time picker as last 7 days and use below setting in xml, displays table as expected. Can someone please help me in extending this coloring to all columns, considering that this date value(column header value) changes whenever user changes value in datapicker.
<format type="color" field="25-03-2023">
<colorpalette type="list">[#FF0000,#FFF000,#55C169,#55C169]</colorpalette >
<scale type="threshold">90,95,100</scale>
Remove the "field=..." and then the colorPalette will apply to all fields.
Add a second definition AFTER that definition for the Name field like
<format type="color" field="Name">
<colorPalette type="list">[#FFFFFF]</colorPalette>
Remove the "field=..." and then the colorPalette will apply to all fields.
Add a second definition AFTER that definition for the Name field like
<format type="color" field="Name">
<colorPalette type="list">[#FFFFFF]</colorPalette>
Perfect, works like a charm 😄
Just one last question, is there a way I can hide numbers/values from being displayed / in other words change font color to be same as the background color!
You probably can in CSS in tables. In charts you can also with CSS