Splunk Enterprise

Moving to cloud: Splunk Enterprise to Azure or AWS vs Splunk Cloud


Hi, Im relatively new to Splunk, and am looking for some experiences and advice.

A company I work for currently have a large (2TB index volume/day) on-prem deployment. It is going to be moved to cloud at some point, and I am trying to get an overview over our three options which are to either deploy in Azure, AWS or purchase Splunk Cloud (business reasons). A hybrid solution may be an alternative as well.

We are at a very early stage, and we will involve Splunk at some point. Right now Im just trying to get a sense of which aspects we need to consider and where to start looking for information.

Has anybody done any assessments of one or more of these alternatives, or perhaps moved their on-prem to one of these clouds? Any main pros/cons, things to think about etc.? Any good source of information is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

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Path Finder

I'd love to hear about how you got on with the architecture. Have you migrated already? We have similar considerations. 

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