Splunk Enterprise

Long numbers in conf files


I want to set maxTotalDataSizeMB to 2000000 (~2TB). Is there are more human readable way of writing this? e.g.

  • 2,000,000
  • 2_000_000
  • 2e6
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1 Solution

Super Champion

Hi @tomy8sctm ,

I'm afraid that is not possible for most settings.

What I normally do is to add a comment just before that line indicating in a more human-readable way what I'm doing:


# 2 years = 730 days = 63,072,000 seconds
frozenTimePeriodInSecs = 63072000

# 2 TB = 2,097,152 MB
maxTotalDataSizeMB = 2097152


 Certain settings do allow more human readable ways:

maxQueueSize = [<integer>|<integer>[KB|MB|GB]|auto]


View solution in original post

Super Champion

Hi @tomy8sctm ,

I'm afraid that is not possible for most settings.

What I normally do is to add a comment just before that line indicating in a more human-readable way what I'm doing:


# 2 years = 730 days = 63,072,000 seconds
frozenTimePeriodInSecs = 63072000

# 2 TB = 2,097,152 MB
maxTotalDataSizeMB = 2097152


 Certain settings do allow more human readable ways:

maxQueueSize = [<integer>|<integer>[KB|MB|GB]|auto]



Thanks for the answer @javiergn. Oh, well. I'll just have to leave all 6 of the 0s in a row! It would be good if Splunk added this functionality at some point.

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Super Champion

You can always log a request in Splunk Ideas and see what happens:




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