Hi Team,
While running the below search we are not getting license calculation for 2-3 indexes(showing 0) but for other indexes I am able to see the results.
index=_internal source="*license_usage.log" sourcetype=splunkd
| stats sum(b) as Bytes by idx
| eval GB=round(Bytes/1024/1024/1024,3)
| rename h as Host, s as Source, st as Sourcetype, idx as Index, GB as "License Used in GB"
| table Index, "License Used in GB"
I am trying to understand why it is happening for only 2-3 indexes. We have the index data present on both the indexers.
ate you sure that you have events on that time on those indexes? Another option is that saved search which are collecting those events haven’t run. See more https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/9.1.2/Admin/LicenseUsageReportViewexamples
r. Ismo