I tried to install the Enterprise Security on my own computers, but after the first restart of Splunk Enterprise, the second restart (after the ES initial configuration) didn't complete.
I have a PC with 32Gb RAM and 4CPU
Is it a problem? Is it possible to install the ES in an all-in-one configuration?
Hi @maurobissante , the minimum hardware required to install ES is highlighted below, and it works on a standalone server. for further information, please check this link https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/ES/6.3.0/Install/DeploymentPlanning
- Minimum 16 CPU,
- Minimum 32 GB RAM
Did you have a valid Splunk License for ES? ES cannot run on a free trial license, please check this link here with some details to get a splunk developer license, it is free, but is limited to 10GB per day. The license expires every 6 month and you can renew it. - Link = https://community.splunk.com/t5/Splunk-Enterprise-Security/Is-it-possible-to-use-Splunk-Enterprise-S....
In order to troubleshoot ES, you can use the Splunk Enterprise guide: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.6/Troubleshooting/IntrototroubleshootingSplunk
There are some troubleshooting steps for ES, but only after the ES is up and running:
if this help you out, please hit like.