HI All,
I am looking for host mapped to a list of app in the serverclass using the btool command but unfortunately I am unable to get details.
./splunk cmd btool serverclass list --app="test-fwd-p" --debug | grep -i "testhost*"
Please correct me if the above syntax is in correct.
You can get that information using Splunk's REST API with a search in the DS. Just change YOUR_HOST_NAME with your host name. you can throw a * in the end in case that host is presenting itself to the DS with the domain name.
| rest splunk_server=local /services/deployment/server/clients/
| fields name dns
| search dns="YOUR_HOST_NAME*"
| fields name dns
| map search="
| rest splunk_server=local /services/deployment/server/applications/
| fields serverclasses* title
| mvexpand serverclasses
| search
[| rest splunk_server=local /services/deployment/server/clients/$name$
| fieldsummary
| rex field=field "serverClasses\.(?<serverclasses>.*)\.\w+"
| fields serverclasses
| dedup serverclasses ]
| eval dns=$dns$"
| fields dns serverclasses title
Hey can I run this restapi query from my DMC, as I don't have DS gui access enabled. So when I run this query I am not getting any result.
You must 1st add your DS as peers to your MC. Then you can run this with changing splunk_server=local to splunk_server=<your DS name>
r. Ismo
when you are using. --app on btool it's using this app as defining precedence of config files like preferring this app.
If I have understood right there is no way to get this information easily with btool. The best way to get this is planning things beforehand and using naming schema for server classes, apps and clients. I'm not sure if you could found that information from DS's $SPLUNK_HOME/var/run/serverclass.xml?
Some blog posts which are good to read:
r. Ismo