Splunk Enterprise

How to integrate Checkpoint and TrendMicro with Splunk light?

New Member


I am trying to integrate a checkpoint and TrendMicro tool, but when configuring this via syslog and opsec, it doesn't appear in my forward management. How is it possible to integrate this in Splunk light?

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about Check Point:

You need install Splunk Add-on for Check Point OPSEC LEA but it supported only by Heavy Forwarder (HW) only, so you need install HF, which will receive Check Point logs and then send them to your Splunk Light.

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New Member


Thanks for the answer, let me understand... i need to install a Universal Forwarder in the checkpoint and the add-on in my Splunk?.

The add-on was installed an configured in the splunk.

0 Karma


1) You need install HW
2) then install CheckPoint add-on to HW
3) then configure you CheckPoint to send logs to HW
4) then configure HW to send logs to Splunk Light (you need add-on for extract fields in Splunk Light too)

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