Below is the sample HTML event
<HTML><BODY><TABLE border="1"><TH style=background-color:#00FFFF>Cluster</TH><TH style=background-color:#00FFFF>BlockSize</TH> <TR bgcolor=#ABEBC6><TD>GCS E1</TD><TD>41008</TD></TR><TR bgcolor=#ABEBC6><TD>VPay E1</TD><TD>18994</TD></TR><TR bgcolor=#ABEBC6><TD>Cadence E1</TD><TD>35345</TD></TR><TR bgcolor=#ABEBC6><TD>GCODS E1</TD><TD>3312</TD></TR><TR bgcolor=#ABEBC6><TD>EDMS E1</TD><TD>3715</TD></TR><TR bgcolor=#ABEBC6><TD>Nemo E1</TD><TD>3366332</TD></TR></TABLE></BODY></HTML>
Need a splunk query to extract above HTML event and output should be below.
Cluster |
BlockSize |
GCS E1 | 41008 |
VPay E1 | 18994 |
Cadence E1 | 35345 |
GCODS E1 | 3312 |
EDMS E1 | 3715 |
Nemo E1 | 3366332 |
hi @bmanikya ,
Try this query:
| rex max_match=0 "\<TD\>(?<Cluster>[\w\s]+)\<\/TD\>\<TD\>(?<BlockSize>\d+)\<\/TD\>"
| eval zip=mvzip(Cluster, BlockSize)
| mvexpand zip
| eval zip=split(zip, ","), Cluster=mvindex(zip, 0), BlockSize=mvindex(zip, 1)
Testing sample:
| makeresults
| eval _raw="<HTML><BODY><TABLE border=\"1\"><TH style=background-color:#00FFFF>Cluster</TH><TH style=background-color:#00FFFF>BlockSize</TH> <TR bgcolor=#ABEBC6><TD>GCS E1</TD><TD>41008</TD></TR><TR bgcolor=#ABEBC6><TD>VPay E1</TD><TD>18994</TD></TR><TR bgcolor=#ABEBC6><TD>Cadence E1</TD><TD>35345</TD></TR><TR bgcolor=#ABEBC6><TD>GCODS E1</TD><TD>3312</TD></TR><TR bgcolor=#ABEBC6><TD>EDMS E1</TD><TD>3715</TD></TR><TR bgcolor=#ABEBC6><TD>Nemo E1</TD><TD>3366332</TD></TR></TABLE></BODY></HTML>"
| rex max_match=0 "\<TD\>(?<Cluster>[\w\s]+)\<\/TD\>\<TD\>(?<BlockSize>\d+)\<\/TD\>"
| eval zip=mvzip(Cluster, BlockSize)
| mvexpand zip
| eval zip=split(zip, ","), Cluster=mvindex(zip, 0), BlockSize=mvindex(zip, 1)
How to split the above table in one line each and wanted to have threshold if the current Block size exceeds Max Block size i.,e (85%) i want to trigger alert
| eval zip=mvzip(Cluster, Current, Max)
| mvexpand zip
| eval zip=split(zip, ","), Cluster=mvindex(zip, 0), Current=mvindex(zip, 1), Max=mvindex(zip,2)
It is not working since mvzip will process only X and Y fields. It worked with the below.
eval zip= mvzip(mvzip(Cluster,Current),Max)|mvexpand zip|eval zip=split(zip, ","), Cluster=mvindex(zip, 0), Current=mvindex(zip, 1),Max=mvindex(zip, 2)
I am left with threshold, if the current is above 85% than Max, it should trigger an alert.
| eval zip=mvzip(Cluster, mvzip(Current, Max))
| mvexpand zip
| eval zip=split(zip, ","), Cluster=mvindex(zip, 0), Current=mvindex(zip, 1), Max=mvindex(zip,2)
| eval threshold = Current / Max
| where threshold > 0.85