Dear All.
When searching some database log as
index=my_db ....
I have a field named "statement" with content as example below:
The login packet used to open the connection is structurally invalid; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library. [CLIENT:]
I need to create a new field, named IP2, with the IP address as above.
In general, the rex command must look for the text between "[CLIENT: " and "]"
Your help is appreciated
best regards
Are you looking for this?
| makeresults
| eval raw="[CLIENT:]"
| rename raw as _raw
|rename comment as "upto this is sample data"
| rex field=_raw "\[CLIENT:(?<IP2>.*)\]"
If any of my replies help you to solve the problem Or gain knowledge, an upvote would be appreciated.
I am not getting:
Why makeresults should be there
I have an existing field "statement" from which I need to get the IP, instead of a _raw one
Do not understand part "rename comment .." - I have no field named "comment"
referring to part
eval raw="[CLIENT:]"
part is NOT fixed, it is just from the example above, it is variable - what I want to get as field IP2
When people reply with solutions they will often post a block of code starting with | makeresults, which means this is an example which you can copy/paste to a Splunk search window and run to demonstrate the solution.
If you do that, you will see that it will create a dummy example and then extract a new field called IP2 with the address as need. The "rename..." is simply telling you that up to the final line, is an example setting up a solution for you.
As @kamlesh_vaghela has shown, the last line is the rex statement you need.
Thank you for your answer too
Are you looking for this?
| makeresults
| eval raw="[CLIENT:]"
| rename raw as _raw
|rename comment as "upto this is sample data"
| rex field=_raw "\[CLIENT:(?<IP2>.*)\]"
If any of my replies help you to solve the problem Or gain knowledge, an upvote would be appreciated.
Thank you very much for the solution
ps. upvote is "accept as solution"?