Hey @carasso and @splunk team
I want to build the splunk query using the below requirements:
Using the reference #https://community.splunk.com/t5/All-Apps-and-Add-ons/How-to-Chart-Average-of-Last-4-Thursdays-vs-Tod....
We build the query but while we calculate the average we are getting zero results.
Query is - [search ] earliest=-4w | eval current_day = strftime(now(), "%A") | eval log_day = strftime(_time, "%A") | where current_day == log_day | timechart span=1h avg(count) by HTTP_STATUS_CODE.
I would except to take the average by hour for all 4 days and build the timechart span by 1hours for 24 hours.
Can you please for the same...
Try something like this
[search ] earliest=-4w
| eval current_day = strftime(now(), "%A")
| eval log_day = strftime(_time, "%A")
| where current_day == log_day
| eval hour=strftime(_time, "%H")
| eval day=strftime(_time, "%d")
| stats count by hour day HTTP_STATUS_CODE
| chart avg(count) as average by hour HTTP_STATUS_CODE