Hi ,
I am trying to use splunk-operator to setup a standalone splunk instance on kubernetes which will use an existing splunk license master which is not part of a splunk-operator setup.
In the documentation (https://splunk.github.io/splunk-operator/CustomResources.html#common-spec-parameters-for-all-resourc...) licenseUrl configuration parameter only accepts Full path or URL for a Splunk Enterprise license file.
How do i go about configuring this .
Any help will be very much appreciated
Never mind, I was able to get it.
Using the volume mounts from the example it requires you to create a configmap first `kubectl create configmap splunk-licenses --from-file=enterprise.lic` then you are able to start licmaster as expected and have the lic applied.
Were you able to get this configured? I'd also be curious to know how to properly configure this or where the lic file should exist.