It's been a while since we implemented Splunk Enterprise, and user engagement has stalled a bit. We also have a lot of people who are new to Splunk. Do you have any recommendations for how we can engage more users and spin up new users on how to get more out of Splunk?
Engaging your Splunk users and getting creative about what you can do to get more out of Splunk can be a fun problem to solve. A best practice for getting a community engaged is to create a community portal, as described in the Splunk Success Framework Handbook. Here are some more ideas you can try depending on what kind of support your user community needs.
See the following video for details about creating alerts and scheduled alerts.
Apps and add-ons provide ready-to-use functions to help organize and manage your data.
Engage the users, and prospective users, by identifying their struggles that can be solved with Splunk. Follow the guidance of the Data onboarding best practices for a Splunk deployment, from the Splunk Success Framework manual, to create simple implementations such users can grow their Splunk usage from.
Engaging your Splunk users and getting creative about what you can do to get more out of Splunk can be a fun problem to solve. A best practice for getting a community engaged is to create a community portal, as described in the Splunk Success Framework Handbook. Here are some more ideas you can try depending on what kind of support your user community needs.
See the following video for details about creating alerts and scheduled alerts.
Apps and add-ons provide ready-to-use functions to help organize and manage your data.
Engage the users, and prospective users, by identifying their struggles that can be solved with Splunk. Follow the guidance of the Data onboarding best practices for a Splunk deployment, from the Splunk Success Framework manual, to create simple implementations such users can grow their Splunk usage from.
Added related video.
I've also added in the create "Create use cases" as inspired by @woodcock's comment.
In addition to this I would add the Splunk education youtube channnel
Thanks @gjanders! I've just added that to the post. Karma coming your way as a thank you!
Find pain-points and time-wasters in people's work lives and solve those usecases with Splunk.