I'm querying an api that gives me the last 10 payment events (unfortunately I can't cut this down). I want to chart or graph the payments over time, without duplicating payments that appear in more than one query.
Each api reply has json like this. I've cut it down 3 events per api response to make things easier here. Note there's only 4 unique payments across both example json responses below, as tracked by txnHash. ts is unix time.
Is this possible?
sample 1
sample 2
I'm using "|spath path={}.amount |spath path={}.ts |spath path={}.txnHash " to get the fields out of the json, (but I suspect they are all mixed up, and no longer in their parings. )
after that, I add "| eval temp=mvzip(amount,mvzip(txnHash,ts,"##"),"##")" ( I cut this down to only the fields I need. I assume the order doesn't make a difference?
But I get no results.
My base search gives the events, eg, sample1, sample2. bit not the fields unless I take further action. What's the best way to extract them?
Try like this (assuming Splunk do realize it's json and does the field extraction accordingly)
your base search giving fields pt ts amount txnHash mixin
| eval temp=mvzip(pt,mvzip(ts,mvzip(amount,mvzip(txnHash,mixin,"##"),"##"),"##"),"##")
| table temp | mvexpand temp
| rex field=temp "(?<pt>.+)##(?<ts>.+)##(?<amount>.+)##(?<txnHash>.+)##(?<mixin>.+)"
| dedup txnHash | eval _time=strptime(tx,"%s")
| timechart span=1d sum(amount) as TotalAmount