I'd like to create a script to automate splunk hole process install. And im wondering how i could retrieve automaticaly the latest version of the package with wget command.
instead of getting by myself by log in splunk website with my credentials, is it possible to provide my login credentials directly in the wget command ?
In other words, i would like to calibrate my wget command to say it : hey wget, go get splunk latest version, here are my credentials...
At 1st glance, i would say that that python or ansible could help but I don't know how to take it...
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
Give this shell script a try (comment/uncomment lines based on what type of product you want to download)
RESPONSE=`curl -s --connect-timeout 10 --max-time 10 $URL`
LINK=`echo $RESPONSE | egrep -o "data-link=\"https://[^\"]+-${OS_REGEX}\"" | cut -c12- | rev | cut -c2- | rev`
echo $LINK
wget --no-check-certificate -P /tmp $LINK
Give this shell script a try (comment/uncomment lines based on what type of product you want to download)
RESPONSE=`curl -s --connect-timeout 10 --max-time 10 $URL`
LINK=`echo $RESPONSE | egrep -o "data-link=\"https://[^\"]+-${OS_REGEX}\"" | cut -c12- | rev | cut -c2- | rev`
echo $LINK
wget --no-check-certificate -P /tmp $LINK
iam happy to say you that your code helped out as it works perfectly so far.
nom iam trying to study the construction you've used for $LINK.
i'll ping you if my head blows 🙂
And thank you
i mean it