Splunk Enterprise

HTTP event collector: Channel identifiers, what do they identify


Quote from event collector docs:

Channels are designed so that you assign a unique channel to each client that sends data to HEC. Each channel has a channel identifier (ID), which must be a GUID but can be randomly generated. You assign channel IDs simply by including them in requests as shown in the examples above. When the Splunk server sees a new channel identifier, it creates a new channel.

What does this mean, exactly? If I have four different pieces of software, e.g. a Linux client program and a Windows client program, each of which log to Splunk, how many channel identifiers should I generate? The word “client” is quite ambiguous here...

  • One per client software, Linux and Windows?
  • One per released version of the softwares?
  • One per actual client running the software?

Does the channel parameter actually impact indexing or queries in any way? I don't understand why it's required at all.


Can we use one channel identifier for multiple clients through Splunk HEC to enable indexer acknowledgement

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Path Finder
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Can we use one channel identifier for multiple clients through Splunk HEC to enable indexer acknowledgement

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

According to what I understand, it means the third meaning you mentioned, "one per actual client running the software". I think this is only needed if you use the indexer acknowledge, and you can read more details from here:

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Can we use one channel identifier for multiple clients through Splunk HEC to enable indexer acknowledgement

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