I would like to display multiple values in multiple pie charts.
For example: I want to display (Consumption & Remaining_Utilization) for each PowerStation in trellis mode
Using the following (partial) query
index="mtx" source="*Dual_Station*" MTX="*" PowerStation="*"
| eval Remaining_Utilization = Capacity - Consumption
| stats values(Remaining_Utilization) as Remaining_Utilization , values(Consumption) as Consumption by PowerStation
(What is missing after (stats)?
I checked each an every thread related to Pie charts in trellis mode in the community and couldn't find any answer
Hint: I use the following query to draw a single pie chart
index="mtx" source="*Dual_Station*" MTX="MTX_Name" PowerStation="PowerStation_Name"
| eval Remaining_Utilization = Capacity - Consumption
| chart values(Consumption) as Consumption over Remaining_Utilization
| transpose
Use this ending to the search
| stats values(Remaining_Utilization) as Remaining_Utilization , values(Consumption) as Consumption by PowerStation
| transpose 0 header_field=PowerStation column_name="Energy"
| stats values(*) AS * by Energy
I am not totally use why the final stats line makes it work, but it shows an extra trellis aggregation, but does not change the data format, i.e. there is a single trellis option without the stats, but two with that final stats.
Use this ending to the search
| stats values(Remaining_Utilization) as Remaining_Utilization , values(Consumption) as Consumption by PowerStation
| transpose 0 header_field=PowerStation column_name="Energy"
| stats values(*) AS * by Energy
I am not totally use why the final stats line makes it work, but it shows an extra trellis aggregation, but does not change the data format, i.e. there is a single trellis option without the stats, but two with that final stats.
This works like magic, thank you! But, I still can't figure out what does this mean?