I have 2 queries which is having sub search for input look up in each.
Query 1
This query outputs the timechart for for CPU1. It will count each processes listed in the CPU1 field of the test.csv.
index=custom | eval SEP=split(_raw,"|"), eval CPU1=trim(mvindex(SEP,1))
| bin _time span=1m
| stats count(CPU1) as CPU1_COUNT by _time CPU1
| search
[ | input lookup test.csv | fields CPU1 | fillnull value = 0 | format ]
Query 2
This query outputs the timechart for for CPU2. It will count each processes listed in the CPU2 field of the test.csv.
index=custom | eval SEP=split(_raw,"|"), eval CPU2=trim(mvindex(SEP,1))
| bin _time span=1m
| stats count(CPU2) as CPU2_COUNT by _time CPU2
| search
[ | input lookup test.csv | fields CPU2 | fillnull value = 0 | format ]
test.csv (sample)
CPU1 | CPU2 | CPU3 |
process_a | process_b | process_c |
process_d | process_e | process_f |
process_g | process_i | process_h |
What I want is to display the CPU1 and CPU2 time chart in one chart .
Any advice on that will be a great help.
The CSV is not structured as a lookup table. The structure should be that, given a value for CPU1 (e.g. "process_a"), what are the (first matching) values for CPU2 ("process_b") and CPU3 ("process_c").
What you seem to be looking for is given a value for some CPU (e.g. "process_a"), to what CPU category does it belong ("CPU1").
Are you able to restructure the test.csv to be more like:
Process | CPU Class |
process_a | CPU1 |
process_b | CPU2 |
process_c | CPU3 |
process_d | CPU1 |
process_e | CPU2 |
process_f | CPU3 |
process_g | CPU1 |
process_h | CPU2 |
process_i | CPU3 |
IF you can't restructure that file, something like this would work:
| makeresults
| eval CPU=mvappend("process_a","process_a","process_b","process_a","process_c","process_a","process_b","process_d","process_a","process_e","process_a","process_b","process_c","process_a","process_a","process_b","process_d","process_a","process_c","process_a","process_b","process_e","process_a")
| mvexpand CPU
``` The above is to generate sample data and can be ignored in your SPL ```
``` uncomment the line below and notice the change from CPU1 to CPU ```
```index=custom | eval SEP=split(_raw,"|"), eval CPU=trim(mvindex(SEP,1))```
``` These two lines create aliases to map in the CPU group for each class in turn ```
| eval myCPU1=CPU
| eval myCPU2=CPU
``` These next lines assume that a process will only appear once in the test.csv file. ```
``` If that is the case, then CPU2 and CPU3 will be non-null when CPU1 matches, ```
``` otherwise that process does not belong to CPU1 (and ditto for the CPU2 case.) ```
| lookup community CPU1 as myCPU1 | eval myCPU1=if(NOT isnull(CPU2),CPU,NULL)
| lookup community CPU2 as myCPU2 | eval myCPU2=if(NOT isnull(CPU1),CPU,NULL)
``` Now create your stats on the two CPU classes. ```
| bin _time span=1m
| stats count(myCPU1) as CPU1_COUNT count(myCPU2) as CPU2_COUNT by _time