Everyone on our project recently got new CAC cards, and the new cards have a longer ID number on them than before. As a result, all of our account IDs changed which resulted in almost all of our searches being orphaned.
I found how to go to the All Configurations and use the Reassign Knowledge Objects to fix them, but we are now left with a recurring system alert for 5 orphaned searches that are still tied to my old ID number. If I try to filter the Reassign Knowledge Objects page for Orphaned searches, these 5 do not show up.
When I go look at the actual searches, they have all been successfully re-assigned and show my new ID number, but the alert persists.
How can I clear this persistent false positive Orphaned Search alert?
Hi @DaClyde,
I had the same problem before, if you have admin rights, you can try adding old ID number as local user to Splunk. You should be able to see those searches, change the owner to your new ID and delete old ID local user.