Hi all,
I'm struggling with problem that I can't find any error logs in Asset and Identity Management dashboard in Splunk Enterprise Security. It shows NOT FOUND and I see the error message behind is "You need edit_modinput_manager capability to edit information." . But I'm an admin that already have this permission.
Hope anyone can tell me how can I fix this error.
Thank you.
@DaisyNguyen Hey, Ensure that you have the necessary permissions. You need the "edit_modinput_identity_manager" capability to use the Asset and Identity Management interface. Verify your role assignments and permissions in Splunk.
Manage assets and identities in Splunk Enterprise Security - Splunk Documentation
Configure users and roles - Splunk Documentation
Yeah, but`edit_modinput_identity_manager` capability is already checked in my role cause I'm administrator, but I still see this error.