tried a lot of things but no joy - recommendations would be helpful:
9v agent upgrades automation in silent more not workingD
msiexec.exe /i splunkforwarder-9.0.2-17e00c557dc1-x64-release.msi DEPLOYMENT_SERVER="10.X.X.67:8089" LAUNCHSPLUNK=1 SPLUNKUSERNAME=Admin SPLUNKPASSWORD=S@v3MY@55!! AGREETOLICENSE=Yes /quiet
This appears to be an upgrade of Splunk.
Splunk has detected an older version of Splunk installed on this machine. To
finish upgrading to the new version, Splunk's installer will automatically
update and alter your current configuration files. Deprecated configuration
files will be renamed with a .deprecated extension.
You can choose to preview the changes that will be made to your configuration
files before proceeding with the migration and upgrade:
If you want to migrate and upgrade without previewing the changes that will be
made to your existing configuration files, choose 'y'.
If you want to see what changes will be made before you proceed with the
upgrade, choose 'n'.
Perform migration and upgrade without previewing configuration changes? [y/n]