Splunk Enterprise Security

Where can I find the TAXII data?


We enabled the TAXII feed and we see under Threat Intelligence Audit that the TAXII feed polling was starting. Where can I see the data itself?

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Hi, in the ES app, navigate to Security Intelligence -> Threat Intelligence -> Threat Artifacts 

Please note that all Threat Intel is being normalised into a joint intel framework. In the sub-tabs you will find the intel relating to the different security domains. Looking at the intel details you will see some of them are from your TAXII feeds... provided the download was successful.

Cheers, Oliver


I see another feed on the SH server at /opt/apps/splunk/etc/apps/SA-ThreatIntelligence/local/data/threat_intel/emerging_threats_compromised_ip_blocklist.csv

Is there a way to see via the UI?



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So assuming you have the Stix TAXII setup correctly you can see it by using the | `threat_group_intel` macros


@mzambrana123 , I see data on the SH -


[<host>]$ pwd
[<host>]$ \ls -tlr
total 20
-rw-------+ 1 splunk splunk 15335 Sep 18 06:54 emerging_threats_compromised_ip_blocklist.csv


Is there a macro to see the data?

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