Ex: query=google.com , yahoo.com
src= xyz-pc , abc-pc
I want to know the count of queries to each domain queried by an individual computer.
For example, If I see a computer xyz-pc going to malicious sites multiple times everyday. I want to create a bin/bucket list to find, how many blocked queries and how many times the source computer has reached out to.
Like this:
... | stats count BY query src
| sort 0 - count
| stats list(*) AS * BY src
| stats sum(count) AS TotalCount BY src
| sort 0 - TotalCount
Could you pleas explain me how it works, if possible.
Especially the sort 0
Does this work for you? The 0
on the sort makes it unlimited
(the command has a stupid default that trims the result set). To see what it is doing, just add in each line one by one.
IT worked. Thanks a lot
OK, then you should come back and click Accept
on the answer to close the question.