Hi Everyone,
I'm building / improving one of the alerts which we use to detect when a event log has been turned off from logging.
index=wineventlog tag=Reboot OR tag=Clear
| transaction endswith=tag=Clear startswith=tag=Reboot maxevents=2 maxspan=30m keeporphans=t
| stats list(duration) as Duration by dest
| mvexpand Duration
| where Duration>300
The code above works great, although I'm struggling to finish it off.
I'm trying to find if a log has been cleared without a corresponding reboot has taken place. I'm guessing that I need to use keeporphans, but I can't get it to be placed in the stats field for that specific event.
Any help is appreciated.
Answered my own question
index=wineventlog tag=Reboot OR tag=Clear
| transaction endswith=tag=Clear startswith=tag=Reboot maxevents=2 maxspan=40m keepevicted=true
| stats list(duration) as Duration by dest
| mvexpand Duration
| append
[ search index=wineventlog tag=Reboot OR tag=Clear
| transaction endswith=tag=Clear startswith=tag=Reboot maxevents=2 maxspan=40m keepevicted=true
| search closed_txn=0
| eval Lone=if(closed_txn=0 AND EventCode=1100,"1","0")
| stats list(Lone) as Lone_Clear by dest
| mvexpand Lone_Clear
| where Lone_Clear=1]
| where Duration>1800 OR Lone_Clear=1
Answered my own question
index=wineventlog tag=Reboot OR tag=Clear
| transaction endswith=tag=Clear startswith=tag=Reboot maxevents=2 maxspan=40m keepevicted=true
| stats list(duration) as Duration by dest
| mvexpand Duration
| append
[ search index=wineventlog tag=Reboot OR tag=Clear
| transaction endswith=tag=Clear startswith=tag=Reboot maxevents=2 maxspan=40m keepevicted=true
| search closed_txn=0
| eval Lone=if(closed_txn=0 AND EventCode=1100,"1","0")
| stats list(Lone) as Lone_Clear by dest
| mvexpand Lone_Clear
| where Lone_Clear=1]
| where Duration>1800 OR Lone_Clear=1