I was asked if IOC information from Splunk Enterprise Security could be used as a dataset.
For example, is it possible to use it as follows?
・ Call SplunkES IOC information with SPL and display a list
・ Detect SplunkES IOC information by comparing it with IPs or domains included in various logs.
And,What kind of IOC information does SplunkES have (IP address, UserAgent, domain information, etc.)? Can you tell me if there is a description somewhere?
Thank you.
Hi @Msugiyama
Confirmation solution is appreciated
thank you for information.
I'll try the API you taught me.
I have little knowledge of Splunk ES, so I am in the process of trial and error.
Also, if you have any concerns, I will psot a question.
best regards,
Hi @Msugiyama
I collected from my client the IOC information with this add-on
This add-on is developed directly from qualys and can collect the IOC info via rest api in JSON format.
Anyway the logs are not mapped on any Datamodel, you can use the set of IOC data on your enterprise security but you need to create a custom correlation searches.
This is a example log, obviously I masked sensible info
asset: { [-]
agentId: **********
customerId: *****************
fullOSName: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 10.0.16299 Build 16299
hostName: *************
interfaces: [ [+]
platform: Windows
tags: [ [-]
{ [-]
name: Cloud Agent
uuid: ***********
{ [-]
name: ********************
uuid: ************************
{ [-]
name: ****************************
uuid: **************
{ [-]
name: ******************
uuid: *****************
{ [-]
name: ************************
uuid: **************************
{ [-]
name: *************************************
uuid: *************************************
{ [-]
name: Microsoft Windows 10
uuid: ******************************
{ [-]
name: Full Disk Encryption Software Detected
uuid: *****************************************
{ [-]
name: Windows
uuid: *************************************
{ [-]
name: ***************************************
uuid: **************************************
dateTime: **********
eventProcessedTime: *************
eventSource: ********
id: ******************************************
indicator2: [ [-]
{ [-]
category: Trojan
familyName: DameWare
rowId: *****************
score: 10
sha256: **********************************************
threatName: Win32.Trojan.DameWare
verdict: MALICIOUS
network: { [-]
localIP: ::
localPort: ************
protocol: UDP
process: { [-]
arguments: -service
elevated: false
fullPath: *************\DWRCS.EXE
parentEventId: ******************************************
parentPid: 420
parentProcessName: services.exe
pid: 4624
processEventId: R*******************************************
processFile: { [-]
certificates: [ [-]
{ [-]
certificateIssuedTo: SolarWinds, Inc.
certificateIssuer: VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA
certificateSigned: true
certificateSignedDate: 2012-07-10T00:00:00.000+0000
certificateValid: true
fullPath: C:\Windows\dwrcs\DWRCS.EXE
md5: ********************************************
moduleName: DWRCS.EXE
path: C:\Windows\dwrcs
sha256: ********************************************
size: 721184
processName: DWRCS.EXE
score: 10