Has anyone ever tried updating the Incident Review Audit Dashboard in Splunk ES to include a timepicker?
I can't seem to get any of the searches in the panels to use the timepicker.
Here are some searches that cover my use cases:
This search will show review activity over time by user.
| `incident_review| where _time>=relative_time(now(), "$timeframe.earliest$") AND _time<=relative_time(now(), "$timeframe.latest$") | timechart useother=
useother` count by reviewer_realname span=1d
This search is for notable events that are opened over time by their urgency.
| `notable` | search NOT suppression=* | timechart count by urgency
Finally is a search that shows the number of events handled by each ES user.
| `incident_review| where _time>=relative_time(now(), "$timeframe.earliest$") AND _time<=relative_time(now(), "$timeframe.latest$") | stats sparkline,count,min(_time) as firstTime,max(_time) as lastTime by reviewer_realname | \
uitime(firstTime)| \
uitime(lastTime)` | sort 100 - count
Here are some searches that cover my use cases:
This search will show review activity over time by user.
| `incident_review| where _time>=relative_time(now(), "$timeframe.earliest$") AND _time<=relative_time(now(), "$timeframe.latest$") | timechart useother=
useother` count by reviewer_realname span=1d
This search is for notable events that are opened over time by their urgency.
| `notable` | search NOT suppression=* | timechart count by urgency
Finally is a search that shows the number of events handled by each ES user.
| `incident_review| where _time>=relative_time(now(), "$timeframe.earliest$") AND _time<=relative_time(now(), "$timeframe.latest$") | stats sparkline,count,min(_time) as firstTime,max(_time) as lastTime by reviewer_realname | \
uitime(firstTime)| \
uitime(lastTime)` | sort 100 - count
I'm making progress on this issue. I've got searches setup that work for timeframes that don't include 'now.' Previous Week works, Week To Date does not work. My Timepicker is named timeframe.
For the 'Review Activity By Reviewer' panel, I've got the following search setup:
| incident_review
| where _time>=relative_time(now(), "$timeframe.earliest$") AND _time<=relative_time(now(), "$timeframe.latest$") | timechart useother=useother
count by reviewer_realname
For 'Top Reviewers' panel, I've got the following search setup:
| incident_review
| where _time>=relative_time(now(), "$timeframe.earliest$") AND _time<=relative_time(now(), "$timeframe.latest$") | stats sparkline,count,min(_time) as firstTime,max(_time) as lastTime by reviewer_realname | uitime(firstTime)
| uitime(lastTime)
| sort 100 - count