Could anyone assist me in creating a correlation search to detect triggered alerts across all searches. This will enable us to monitor counts and automatically notify us if any situation escalates beyond control.
If you want the list of triggered alerts please try this:
index=_audit action=alert_fired ss_app=*
| eval ttl=expiration-now()
| search ttl>0
| convert ctime(trigger_time)
| table trigger_time ss_name severity
| rename trigger_time as "Alert Time" ss_name as "Alert Name" severity as "Severity"
if instead tu want the list of alerts in your environment, you could use:
| search alert.track=1
| fields title description search disabled triggered_alert_count actions action.script.filename alert.severity cron_schedule
How we can set the threshold for the second search like if any of the CS alerts more than 10 times it should trigger a notables !
Hi @AL3Z ,
the second search only lists the alerts not the triggered ones.
If you want the triggered alerts you have to use the first.
If you want to use a threshold, please try this:
index=_audit action=alert_fired ss_app=*
| eval ttl=expiration-now()
| search ttl>0
| convert ctime(trigger_time)
| stats count BY ss_name severity
| where count>10
If you're using Enterprise Security, you don't need to use a Correlation Search like this, but you could use the Risk Score for assets and identities, but it's too long to describe.
Can we use this CS in ES ?
Could you pls guide me how we could use the Risk Score for assets and identities?
Hi @AL3Z,
yes you can use it in cs, but you can also use Notables.
Anyway, as action when an alert is triggered, you can define a Risk Score to assign to an asset or to an identity instead to trigger an alert.
Then you can define a threshold for the risk score, so, you'll have a Notable when the risk score, for an asset or an identity exceeds the threshold.
See in the Actions from a Correlation Search the Risk Score and make some try, I cannot guide you more.
For more infos see at https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/ES/7.2.0/RBA/Analyzerisk
Why we are not seeing the alerts for the disabled CS using the above search ?
Hi @AL3Z ,
the above search lists the triggered alerts, if an alert is disablen is also never triggered|
Why the triggered alerts from the search are not matching with the incident review alerts why so ?
Hi @AL3Z,
they match with the correlation searches, but thei contain also other alerts outside ES and anyway don't matcj with disabled CS.
I had chosen to specify only ES and I haven't consider the disabled CS but still, not all the alerts are showing up.
Hi @AL3Z,
I don't know: the above search lists all the triggered alerts.
Otherwise you could run a search on the notable index and have the count for the triggered searches:
| stats count BY search_name
| where count>10
How to configure this search as a alert scheduling?
threshold should be 2 seconds....
how we can complete this mark a threshold,
alert count for all my searches alerts if the count >10 for last 7 days reads (189,186,167,167,89,74,60,59,56,46,35,32,28,26,20,19,17,14,11).
How often do we need to run this in a day?
Hi @AL3Z,
the run frequency depends on what's the max delay is acceptable for your in discovering the triggered alert: one day, one hour, I don't know, it depends by your requisites.
Which one would be better running it daily or realtime can you pls suggest we are into security specific usecases
Hi @AL3Z,
avoid to use realtime!
what's your requirement: one day, use one day, there isn't a reccomandation, it's only related to your requirement.
Hi @gcusello ,
Can we use it as a CS to trigger an alert when it exceeds the alert threshold ?
Hi @AL3Z,
if you don't use the original CS, you don't have the notables for searching.
For this reason I hinted to use the risk score instead the notable as action.
You need someone that really knows ES to guide you or a training on ES using or administering.
I didn't get what is original CS mean is that with index notable or previous search ?
can you pls guide me or share me link to get master in ES!